You have reached the IRRI Genebank, where your rice science journey begins. Home to more than 132,000 available accessions which includes cultivated species, wild relatives and species from related genera.

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This search will show only available accessions that may be requested today.
You may list accessions with separators (commas or semicolons, as shown below) or by entering them on separate lines, such as
IRGC 100
When searching a range of accessions, use the Advanced Search tab with the Accession Identifier Range criterion.

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International Rice Genebank Germplasm Distribution and Exchange Policy

IRRI continues the free international exchange of germplasm, in accordance with the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA). We provide rice in small quantities to any entity or establishment for research, breeding, or training for food and agriculture purposes; free of charge. At the same time, we gratefully receive seed contributions to add to our collection.

The procedure for acquiring seeds from IRRI are as follows:
1. Read, study and comply with Standard Material Transfer Agreement(SMTA).
2. Inquire, search and choose accessions through GRIN-Global or Genesys websites.
3. Submit requests electronically through the public websites (refer to #2)

Software Disclaimer

This software was created by USDA/ARS, with Bioversity International coordinating testing and feedback from the international genebank community. Development was supported financially by USDA/ARS and by a major grant from the Global Crop Diversity Trust. This statement by USDA does not imply approval of these enterprises to the exclusion of others which might also be suitable.

USDA dedicates this software to the public, anyone may use, copy, modify, publish, distribute, perform publicly and display publicly this software. Notice of this access as well as the other paragraphs in this notice shall be included in all copies or modifications of this software.

This software application has not been tested or otherwise examined for suitability for implementation on, or compatibility with, any other computer systems. USDA does not warrant, either explicitly or implicitly, that this software program will not cause damage to the user’s computer or computer operating system, nor does USDA warrant, either explicitly or implicitly, the effectiveness of the software application.

The English text above shall take precedence in the event of any inconsistencies between the English text and any translation of this notice.

Last updated: 2 July, 2020