You have reached the IRRI Genebank, where your rice science journey begins. Home to more than 132,000 available accessions which includes cultivated species, wild relatives and species from related genera.

Descriptor: Culm strength at reproductive - cultivated(pre-2007) (cust_repro_pre2007)

Characterized by gently pushing the tillers back and forth at a distance of about 30 cm. from the ground. This test gives some indication of brittleness and resilience. Recorded at reproductive stage. Observed in cultivated species.
Reproductive Stage
Crop Germplasm Committee approved
Data Type:
Alpha/numeric descriptor
Maximum Length:
Responsible Site:
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)

Studies or environments

Distribution of Values for Culm strength at reproductive - cultivated(pre-2007) (cust_repro_pre2007)

CodeDefinitionNumber of Accessions
1 Strong28852
3 Moderately strong38404
5 Intermediate9040
7 Weak11774
9 Very weak9647
999 Mixture3

International Rice Genebank Germplasm Distribution and Exchange Policy

IRRI continues the free international exchange of germplasm, in accordance with the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA). We provide rice in small quantities to any entity or establishment for research, breeding, or training for food and agriculture purposes; free of charge. At the same time, we gratefully receive seed contributions to add to our collection.

The procedure for acquiring seeds from IRRI are as follows:
1. Read, study and comply with Standard Material Transfer Agreement(SMTA).
2. Inquire, search and choose accessions through GRIN-Global or Genesys websites.
3. Submit requests electronically through the public websites (refer to #2)