03 December 1991.
Locality: Madhya Pradesh Raipur Rajim Kopara
Coordinates: Madhya Pradesh Raipur Rajim Kopara20.6667, 81.9667
(Map it)
Elevation: 260m.
District: Raipur;
Drainage: Poor;
Freq: Frequent;
Fund: Irri;
Herb: Yes;
Prov: Madhya Pradesh;
Rem_Other: Collection Source=Roadside Ditch;
Samp_Method: Random;
Seed_File: Yes;
Site: Depression;
Soil_Text: Clay;
Topo: Plain Level;
Awn_Strength: Hard;
Breedsys: Inbreeding;
Deg_Graze: 25% Grazed;
Deg_Introg: No Introgression;
Dist_To_Sat: <= 20 M;
Floating: ;
Flower: Same As O. Sativa;
Grlt: 8.6;
Growth_Stage: Mature;
Grth: 1.7;
Grwd: 2.8;
Pop_Comp: Heterogeneous;
Pop_Fert: 40-60% Seeds Available From Most Plants;
Pop_Size: 200;
Ratoon: Few;
Seed_Prod: High;
Shade: Partial Shade;
Spp_Diver: In And At The Edge Of A Cultivated Field And A Weedy Habitat;
Water_Depth: 0.1
Comment: IND001