HARV_CHAR | Culm strength at harvest - wild(pre-2007) | Characterized by gently pushing the tillers back and forth at a distance of about 30 cm. from the ground. This bending test gives some indication of brittleness and resilience. - Recorded at harvest. - Observed in wild species. | 5 - Intermediate | | |
HARV_CHAR | Life cycle | The completeness of plant growth in a growing season. Observed in wild species. | 2 - Perennial | | |
HARV_CHAR | Rhizome and stolon formation | Rhizome and stolon formation. Observed at harvest in wild species. | 2 - Vegetative crown and stolon | | |
POSTHARV_CHAR | 10 Grain weight (g) | Weight (g) is taken from 10 well-developed grains dried to 13 percent moisture content. Observed at post-harvest in wild species. | 0.155 | | |
POSTHARV_CHAR | Sterile lemma length - cultivated | Sterile lemma length at post-harvest. Observed in cultivated species. | 0 | | |
POSTHARV_CHAR | Chromosome number | Chromosomes is the DNA-containing linear bodies found in the cell nuclei of plants responsible for the determination and transmissions of hereditary characters. - Number is recorded at post-harvest. - Observed in wild species. | 24 | | |
POSTHARV_CHAR | Leaf senescence(pre-2007) | The leaves below the flagleaf are observed at the time of harvest for their retention of greenness. Observed in all species. | 5 - Intermediate (5) | | |
POSTHARV_CHAR | Awn presence at post-harvest | Presence of awn at post-harvest stage. Observed in wild species. | 1 - Short and Partly awned | | |
POSTHARV_CHAR | Spikelet fertility(pre-2007) | Spikelet fertility measurement is taken from counts of well developed fertile spikelets in proportion to total number of spikelets on five panicles at harvest. Observed in all species. | | | |
POSTHARV_CHAR | Awn length - cultivated | Length of the longest awn per panicle at maturity stage. | 0 | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Lemma - Color of apiculus (Early observation) | Color of apiculus (tip of the lemma or palea) at reproductive. Observed in all species. | 010 - White | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Lemma - Color of apiculus (Early observation) | Color of apiculus (tip of the lemma or palea) at reproductive. Observed in all species. | 070 - Red | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Culm diameter at basal internode | Culm diameter at basal internode at reproductive. | 6 | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Culm length | Length (cm) from ground level to the base of the panicle at reproductive. Observed in all species. | 114 | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Distance from panicle base to lowest spikelet (mm) | Distance from panicle base to lowest spikelet. Recorded at 7 days after anthesis. Observed in wild species. | 13 | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Population uniformity | Population uniformity | 2 - Heterogeneous | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Panicle length | Panicle length. Measured from the base to the tip of the panicle. Observed at reproductive in wild species. | 24 | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Panicle Secondary branching | Secondary branching bearing the spikelets is examined at reproductive stage. Observed in all species. | 2 - Dense (heavy) | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Awn thickness - wild | Awn thickness. Observed at reproductive stage in wild species. | 0 | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Flagleaf length at 7DAA - wild | Length of the flag leaf, from the ligule to the tip of the blade. Observed at 7 days after anthesis in wild species. | 57 | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Flagleaf width at 7DAA - wild | Width at the widest portion of the flag leaf. Observed at 7 days after anthesis in wild species. | 19 | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Ligule length - wild | Length of 2nd leaf ligule after anthesis. Observed in wild species. | 20 | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Ligule length - wild | Length of 2nd leaf ligule after anthesis. Observed in wild species. | 32 | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Ligule pubescence - wild | Presence of hairs on the ligule surface. Observed in wild species. | 1 - Glabrous | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Texture of panicle axis at 7daa - wild | Texture of panicle axis at 7 days after anthesis. Observed in wild species. | 2 - Smooth | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Culm diameter (code) of basal internode at reproductive | Culm diameter of basal internode at reproductive (coded) | 2 - Thick (>=5mm) | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Culm length (code) at reproductive | Length (coded) from ground level to the base of the panicle at reproductive. | 5 - 111-130 cm | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Flag leaf angle at reproductive - cultivated(pre-2007) | Measured near the collar as the angle of attachment between the flag leaf blade and the main panicle axis. Recorded at reproductive stage. Observed in cultivated species. | 3 - Intermediate(3) | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Grain attachment to pedicel at anthesis - wild | Grain attachment to pedicel at anthesis. Observed in wild species. | 1 - Oblique | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Heading (days from seeding to 1st flowering) -wild | Number of days from seeding to first flowering. Observed in wild species. | 100 | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Ligule shape(pre-2007) | Ligule shape at late vegetative. Observed in cultivated species. | 2 - 2-cleft | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Lemma and palea color at anthesis - wild(pre-2007) | Lemma and palea color at anthesis. Observed in wild species. | 060 - Green | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Leaf texture at anthesis - wild | Leaf texture at anthesis. Observed in wild species. | 2 - Coriaceous | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Panicle axis at reproductive(pre-2007) | Panicle axis at reproductive stage. Observed in all species. | 2 - Droopy | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Panicle exsertion at reproductive(pre-2007) | Panicle exsertion at reproductive. Observed in all species. | 1 - Well exserted (1) | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Panicle length at reproductive - wild | Measured from the base to the tip of the panicle. Transformed to coded data. Observed at reproductive in wild species. | 3 - Medium | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Panicle type (panicle attitude of branches)(pre-2007) | Panicles are classified according to their mode of branching, angle of primary branches and spikelet density. Recorded at reproductive stage. Observed in all species. | 3 - Compact (3) | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Tillering at 75 DAG - wild | Tiller count is recorded as the total number of grain- bearing and non-bearing tillers per hill. Recorded at 75 days after germination. Observed in wild species. | 3 - Good | | |
REPRO_CHAR | Tillering at 75 DAG - wild | Tiller count is recorded as the total number of grain- bearing and non-bearing tillers per hill. Recorded at 75 days after germination. Observed in wild species. | 5 - Medium | | |
VEGE_CHAR | Leaf auricle color | Color of leaf auricle (small paired ear-like appendages on either side of the base of the leaf blade) at vegetative. Observed in all species. | 080 - Purple | | |
VEGE_CHAR | Basal leafsheath color | Colour of the outer surface of the leaf sheath. Obsered at vegetative stage. | 060 - Green | | |
VEGE_CHAR | Basal leafsheath color | Colour of the outer surface of the leaf sheath. Obsered at vegetative stage. | 080 - Purple | | |
VEGE_CHAR | Date of seeding | Date of seeding [YYYY/MM/DD] | 1990-06-06T00:00:00 | | |
VEGE_CHAR | Growth habit | Growth habit is measured from the angle of the tillers observed from the entire plot at 75 days after germination. Observed in wild species. | 2 - Semi-erect | | |
VEGE_CHAR | Population code | identifier to distinguish heterogeneous population within an accession based on morpho agronomic traits | A | | |
VEGE_CHAR | Population code | identifier to distinguish heterogeneous population within an accession based on morpho agronomic traits | B | | |
VEGE_CHAR | Seedling height | Seedlings at 5-leaf stage is measured from the base of the shoot to the tip of the tallest leaf blade. Observed in all species. | 31 | | |
VEGE_CHAR | Cropping year and season | Cropping year and season | 1990WS | | |
VEGE_CHAR | Flag leaf ligule length (mm) - wild | Flag leaf ligule length (mm). Observed at anthesis stage in wild species. | 10 | | |
VEGE_CHAR | Flag leaf ligule length (mm) - wild | Flag leaf ligule length (mm). Observed at anthesis stage in wild species. | 8 | | |
VEGE_CHAR | Auricle presence | Presence of auricle (small paired ear-like appendages on either side of the base of the leaf blade) at 30 days after germination. Observed in wild species. | | | |
VEGE_CHAR | Height (cm) or juvenile plant at 75 DAG - wild | Height (cm) or juvenile plant at 75 days after germination. Observed in wild species. | 119 | | |
VEGE_CHAR | Height (cm) or juvenile plant at 75 DAG - wild | Height (cm) or juvenile plant at 75 days after germination. Observed in wild species. | 135 | | |
VEGE_CHAR | Seedling height (code) | Seedlings at 5-leaf stage is measured from the base of the shoot to the tip of the tallest leaf blade. Transformed to coded data. Observed in all species. | 2 - Intermediate | | |