09 April 1984.
Locality: Teunom, Aceh Barat 53 km NW of Meulaboh Baya Baru
Coordinates: Teunom, Aceh Barat 53 km NW of Meulaboh Baya Baru4.4092, 95.8506
(Map it)
Elevation: 0m.
District: Teunom, Aceh Barat;
Drainage: Poor;
Freq: Occasional;
Fund: Ibpgr;
Herb: Yes;
Lang_Var: Aceh;
Mng_Var: Sedge/Grass;
Rem_Grain: Small Dark Rounded Spikelets About 4.5 X 2.5 Mm, Short Awned <2 Cm Long;
Rem_Other: In Roadside Ditch < 1Km Fr Sea, Common But Localized In Gen. Distribution;
Rem_Plant: Plants 150 Cm Tall, Large Spreading Panicle;
Samp_Method: Random;
Seed_File: Yes;
Site: Depression;
Soil_Text: Clay;
Topo: Plain Level
Comment: IDN043